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US Elections and Trump

The US symbolizes democracy in its true spirit which is why after every five years the presidential elections in the country are observed by the whole world as whoever sits in the White House impacts the world. Which is why these are not just elections for the US but for the whole world. And since I can remember, the presidential candidates have always exhibited tremendous restraint and maturity, which is not the case this time.

This time, it is different, this time the US elections look like a power struggle between leaders of some banana republic under the cloak of democracy.

he US Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has taken the center stage by storm. With no political background this real estate tycoon is all set to take United States of America into a new era (where the US will no longer be considered a tolerant world leader). This is a big change without a doubt. A nation built by immigrants is now considering imposing a ban on immigrants under the robust leadership of Trump but in recent days after criticism by his own party members and close ones, somehow changed his stance towards the immigrants.

While some might feel that the Republican nominee is right and it is time for the US to take a stronger approach towards potential terrorists infiltrating the world’s largest democracy, this plan is sure to doom the image of the US in the world. The land of opportunities will no longer be offering opportunities. This will be a turning page in the history of the US, as for the first time it will no longer be welcoming immigrants and for the first time the White House will be housing a business tycoon, who obviously wants the US to either attack hostile nations or build a wall to keep them out.
“I am going to build a great border wall, institute nationwide e-verify, stop illegal immigrants from accessing welfare and entitlements, and develop an exit-entry tracking system to ensure those who overstay their visas are quickly removed,” Mr Trump said in a recent speech. With statements like these, he is certainly going to get the votes.

It has been more than a decade since 9/11 happened but still many in the US feel that the US didn’t do enough even after the country went to war with Afghanistan, destroyed the Taliban government, dismantled the Al-Qaida network and ultimately killed Osama bin Laden and now they feel a need of strong leader who is willing to go a step further, thi

I, as non-US citizen, feel that Trump is everything what the US once stood against. He is a tyrant without a military uniform. What the US once stood for, will soon fade away in the pages of history if Trump wins the presidential elections. Between Trump and the White House stands Hillary Clinton (the nominee of the Democratic Party for President of the United States). Mrs Clinton is no stranger to the American politics as her husband, Bill Clinton, won the presidential elections twice and is considered the most successful American president in recent history.

Hillary Clinton is all what the US once stood for and she is perhaps someone which the world needs to be sitting in the White House. The outcome of the elections is anybody’s guess, but whoever gets a seat in the White House will most certainly make a huge impact on the world.

This is the time when the American nation needs to cast vote smartly as this might actually be a defining moment for the world’s only super power. What happens in the US has a direct impact on the world which is why their leader needs to be someone with a mature enough approach to lead not only the US but the whole world.



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